Having trouble with our site?
No problem, our support team is happy to help you:
- If you have problems with applying / registering online.
- If you have problems uploading your CV or cover letter.
- If you have not received a confirmation email after sending in your application.
Send us an email via candidatesupport@cvwarehouse.com and we will contact you.
To help us quickly solve your problem, clearly state the following information in your mail:
- The name of the company where you wish to apply.
- The job for which you want to apply to.
- The error message that you received on the form.
CVWarehouse is not a recruitment and selection agency, nor are we involved in the recruitment and screening processes of our customers.
Therefore, please do not send your CV or applications to this e-mail address. These emails will be disregarded. To respond to a vacancy posted on CVWarehouse, we ask you to send your application online via the appropriate form.
You can easily follow up your application by checking your status changes. These are the statuses used on the website:
- Pending: your CV has been received.
- In Process: your application is being treated.
- CV requested: the company would like to receive your CV in order to further process your application.
- Waiting for information: the company has tried to contact you and is waiting for you to get in touch.
- Finalist: you are in the final selection of candidates for this position.
- Withdrawn: you have decided not to continue.
- Not withheld: unfortunately your profile did not suit the position.
- Future: you were not considered for this position now, but will be contacted for future opportunities that match your profile.
- Presented to end-client: your CV has been forwarded to the person responsible for following up on your application. As this person is not able to further change your status, you will not see any further status changes here.